Craig Edwards

For the National: Jane Eyre

Other theatre includes: The Borrowers,Treasure Island, Jane Eyre, The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, We’re Going On A Bear Hunt, Cinderella – A Fairy Tale, The Ugly Duckling, Lenny, Jump, Around the World in 80 Days, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Too Many Cooks, The Stones, The Melon Boat, The Last Tyger, Into the West, The Wind in the Willows, Endgame, An Enemy of the People, Metamorphosis, Romeo and Juliet, Ministry of Fear, Cobbo, You Can’t Catch Me, One in a Million, Mytle on the Mainline, Hello Craig, The Boat Plays, Heredity, The Snake House, Normal

As a director: Three Kings, The Ugly Duckling, A Christmas Carol, The Six Wives of Henry VIII, Elizabeth I: Virgin on the Ridiculous, Adolf and Winston, The Devil and the Shopkeeper, One Man and His Cow, In Cider Story, The Mysterious Vanishment of Pobby and Dingan, Mother Savage, Sammy and the Snow Leopard, Romeo and Juliet, Danny King of the Basement, The Last Voyage of Sinbad the Sailor, The Nothing Show


A Northern Soul Pier Productions for Radio 4